This blog ought to be called “While I’m ‘finishing’ homework :S” Alas, the subject is more interesting to me than my current term paper.
Once again, thanks all for your input! It’s amazing how all that you’ve said aligns so closely with what I’ve seen in the past few days, Coincidence? Rather, Divine Irony. I’m struck with God’s wisdom, timing and recurring humor :)... A few prime examples:
- A continuing-long-past-closing-time conversation with a co-worker regarding Greg Koukle’s “Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air” –love the title, watch the presentation
- A (relativist) friend of mine’s inability to declare murder immoral while remaining consistent with his personal beliefs
- My professor’s admission that there is no liberal basis on which to prohibit polygamy (and consequently, other sexual sins including pedophilia!)
This is appalling! They’ve removed every ultimate standard (or possibility of such), have opened the floodgates of unrestrained immorality, while simultaneously acknowledging the consequences of such! One can see the results of this already within Canada:
So, with your help, I’ve tried to dig up some rebuttals, as well as reputable backing for them.
Firstly, homosexuality is “natural”; as natural as sin is:
- “Homosexuality… is not innate… Such an object choice is acquired behavior; there is no inevitable genetically inborn propensity toward the choice of a partner of either the same or opposite sex." (Charles Socarides, Homosexuality: Basic Concepts and Psychodynamics, International Journal of Psychiatry 10, 1972: 118-25) and more scientific proof
Homosexual marriage will harm Canada (as seen in “
Marriage Under Fire” by Dr. Dobson):
1. The legalization of homosexual marriage will quickly destroy the traditional family.
- Destruction of the sanctity of marriage
- The ultimate goal of homosexual lobbyists IS to destroy marriage ie. “Abolish Marriage: Let’s Really Get the Government Out of Our Bedrooms.” Michael Kinsley
2. Children will suffer most
- Instability; studies assert that homosexuals cycle through anywhere from 300-1000 partners in a lifetime
- One dad and one mom is still the best –confirmed by more than 10,000 studies
3. The practical ramifications: indoctrinating schools, collapse of health care and social security, the end of religious freedom
Bible Believers offers a clear, blunt synopsis on the Bible’s condemnation of homosexuality.
But this post is becoming horrendously long... :S As Ralph, Ethan, Mark, and others have clearly shown; same-sex marriage is only a symptom of the greater plague –relativism, and ultimately the wholesale rejection of God. The onus is on relativists to provide a “replacement” for the standard they’ve discarded that they may limit the evil they’ve occasioned, the onus is on them to provide a foundation for “rights” when they acknowledge no wrongs. What is left for us to prove? God’s terrifying justice and His complete forgiveness.